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Trimurti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s,

Trimurti Institute of Technology

(Engineering And Polytechnic)
Paldhi B.K., Tal-Dharangaon, Dist-Jalgaon, M.S. 425103

Mobile: 92263-08636
Email: manojpatil9737@gmail.com
Email: trimurtiinst2024@gmail.com

Secretary Message

Our mission has always been to provide not just world-class education, aided by the best of faculty, but an environment that fosters holistic development with emphasis on character building. I assure you that we will leave no stone unturned in our quest to make Trimurti Institute of Technology the best Technology Institute all over Maharashtra and India and I hope that you make the best use of our resources to get a globally relevant education that prepares you not only for today’s world, but for the challenges of tomorrow.

Hon. Mr. Sunil P. Patil

Honorable Secretary

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