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Trimurti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s,

Trimurti Institute of Technology

(Engineering And Polytechnic)
Paldhi B.K., Tal-Dharangaon, Dist-Jalgaon, M.S. 425103

Mobile: 92263-08636
Email: manojpatil9737@gmail.com
Email: trimurtiinst2024@gmail.com


In strict compliance with the objectives of Outcome Based Education (OBE), one of the key performance indicators of the institution is the outcome of the programs offered and courses taught.



The initial level discussion takes place with the academic advisory board on the outcomes framed by the university. In addition to that, the academic advisory body will recommend institutional-level POs and COs. The body of department heads, teachers, and invited domain experts will frame the department-level POs and COs. The same will be shared with teachers at the beginning of the academic year as part of the FDP.

The admission officer of the institution and teaching staff counselors who are engaged in the admission process explain the POs to the students. The same will be well-explained to parents and students together in the inaugural ceremony of the first-year classes. In addition to that, the COs will be explained to the students during their induction program.


Comprehensive external examinations are conducted at the end of each semester by the affiliating university to assess the attainment of credits for each course. The maximum score is 50 in which domain based theoretical and logical questions are asked in the assessment. The answer scripts are evaluated by external subject experts from different institutions decided by the university.



Continuous Internal Assessments are carried out by the institution to assess the performance in class participation, preparations of case studies, fieldwork, participation in group discussions, term papers, performances in seminars/workshops, paper presentations, and report/content writing, etc. The attainment is assessed out of 10 marks in theory and 05 marks in Practical. Questions of internal exams were mapped with Course Outcomes using student Interaction with teacher, Attendance Of the student and Behavior of the Student.

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