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Trimurti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s,

Trimurti Institute of Technology

(Engineering And Polytechnic)
Paldhi B.K., Tal-Dharangaon, Dist-Jalgaon, M.S. 425103

Mobile: 92263-08636
Email: manojpatil9737@gmail.com
Email: trimurtiinst2024@gmail.com

President’s Message

Our mission has always been to provide not just world-class education, aided by the best of faculty and environment that fosters holistic development with emphasis on character building.

I assure you that we will leave no stone unturned in our quest to make Trimurti Institute of Technology the best Institute all over Maharashtra and India and I hope that you make the best use of our resources to get a globally relevant education that prepares you not only for today’s world, but also for all the upcoming challenges of tomorrow.

Hon. Mr. Manoj P. Patil


Trimurti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Paldhi, Jalgoan

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